033. Writing to Stand Out, with Sophia Dagnon
Positioning yourself and your product to stand out in the market
Getting your foot in the door
- Sophia's specialty and how she got there from archaeology
- How UpWork led to better pay in writing
- Dealing with the lack of comfort
- An approach to desiring income without being sleazy
- Making transactions mutually beneficial
- People don’t buy stuff, they buy solutions to problems
- How does your customer think about the solutions to their problems?
- How to ask the right questions to better understand your customer
- Improving pitches by trying different things
How to reach your customers
- The platforms with the lowest barriers or are easiest to self-promote
- Copy Hackers (Joanna Web sp.?)
- Researching, writing a lot, and sharing content where it will be read
- Understanding your reader’s familiarity and how informed they are
- Knowing what it will take for a reader to take action (lots of specific tips here!)
- Focus on and measure one action that you want your readers to take
Tips for getting started
- Low-risk and simple ways a person can practice self-promotion
- Reframe risk as an opportunity or something good for you
- Ways to manage the ever-present emotions that come when taking chances
- Are there books or other sources where people can learn more on the topic
- Follow Copy Hackers
- Read Drive by Daniel Pink
- Read Influence by Robert Cialdini
- Read Breakthrough Advertising by Eugene Schwartz
Where to find Sophia Dagnon
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